The Fighting Arts “Edged Weapons”
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Aibujutsu Edged Weapons combining techniques from Mushin Kan Edged Weapons, Pekiti Tirsia Kali, Karate, and Krav Maga we incorporate both modern and historical tactics in this program.
In Oklahoma about 80% of men carry a pocket knife on them at all times. This means you have a significant chance of being attacked with a knife if you get into a conflict. Ask yourself this question, If you were loosing a fight and had a pocket knife, would you not use it to defend yourself or your family? Of course you would. And so you must realize, if you would use it, so will they! Don’t think it wont happen. Of course we hope this will never happen to you, but if it does, you need to be prepared and know how to defend off the attack, shutdown the threat, and counter strike.
These classes met each week and encompass multiple levels. A student’s progression and promotions are at the discretion of the instructor.
Because this class teaches the use of weapons in a combative situation, The Fighting Arts requires all students be of good moral character and of sound mind. Instructors come from Law Enforcement and Military backgrounds and will keep a close eye on student’s behavior and remove anyone they feel should not be attending this class.